FP2030 Annual Progress Report
FP2030 Indicatorss
Summary of the FP2030 IndicatorsFP2020 Methodology
Learn more about how we estimate the Core IndicatorsFPSA
Family Planning Spending AssessmentStatTRACK
Track20's interactive tool for exploring key family planning indicatorsExploring Opportunities for Growth
Exploring specific opportunities for increasing contraceptive usePostpartum Family Planning
What do we know about contraceptive use during the postpartum period?Youth Contraceptive Use
How are FP2020 countries doing on serving young people?Contraceptive Method Mix
Exploring contraceptive method choice and how it varies among FP2020 CountriesContextualizing mCPR Growth
Challenges in increasing contraceptive use in low-prevalence countriesAnalysis Using Service Statistics
How does access to and availability of modern contraceptives vary across FP2020 countries?