What's new?
April 2022
Read the new article by Track20 India team members Ashwani Kumar, A.A. Jayachandran & Dr. Y.P. Gupta analyzing the use of modern contraceptive methods among young married women aged 15-24 years in five high fertility states of India, including the association between background predictors and use of modern contraceptives.
April 2020
Learn more about how the Ebola Crisis impacted family planning use in Liberia and Sierra Leone in a new report published in Studies in Family Planning authored by Track20's Kristin Bietsch, Jessica Williamson, and Margaret Reeves.
March 2020
Our new article by Kristin Bietsch and Emily Sonneveldt in Gates Open Research details the construction of the Maximum CPR Model. Create your own Max CPR scenario here
December 2019
Wonder what it takes to put together the FP Goals Model? Read our new paper in Studies in Family Planning by Michelle Weinberger, Jessica Williamson, John Stover, and Emily Sonneveldt.
September 2019
What is the open birth interval and what can it tell us about the needs of family planning programs? Read this article by Track20 researchers John Ross and Kristin Bietsch published today in Global Health: Science and Practice.
August 2019
Read Track20 officer A.A. Jayachandran's new article in Demography India where he estimates district level Total Fertility Rates.
October 2018
Attending ICFP? Want to make your own annual family planning estimates? Attend Track20's Family Planning Estimate Tool (FPET) Training! Register at https://goo.gl/forms/Ty8IPX4PZGTKTJmn2 by October 29.
Feb 13, 2017
See the results of Track20-supported analysis of subnational FP indicators in India using FPET, published in the Lancet.
Dec 12, 2016
Core Indicators 1-9 One Pagers now available in English and French
Nov 1, 2016
2016 Core Indicator values are now available here.
Nov 1, 2016
New FP2020 report available: P2020 Momentum at the Midpoint: 2015-16
May 31, 2016
FP Goals has been added to Track20 resources.
April 19, 2016
FPET Data Preparation Tool has been updated to version 1.17.
April 11, 2016
Check out the K4Health blog for a piece on contraceptive stockouts - featuring Track20's Priya Emmart!
March 29, 2015
Join our LinkedIn group "Track20 Family Planning M&E" to connect with colleagues, share and learn about FP M&E!
March 29, 2015
FPET Data Preparation Tool has been updated to version 1.15.
February 17, 2016
FPET instructions now include steps to produce sub-national estimates. Download them in English and in French here.
February 8, 2016
Missed us at ICFP? View our presentations here.
January 22, 2016
FPET instructions have been updated.
January 6, 2016
New analysis added: Youth and contraceptive use
December 22, 2015
New resource added: FPE Policy Briefs
December 17, 2015
New resource added: Rapid Survey of Contraceptive Prevalence in UP, India
December 10, 2015
FPET Data Preparation Tool has been updated to version 1.14.
November 2015
Create custom tables and charts with the new Track20 extractor!
November 2015
Data sources and methodology for the new FP2020 Core Indicator data were updated.
November 2015
Core indicator data from the FP2020 Commitment to Action 2014-2015 report have been added.