
The Track20 Project, implemented by Avenir Health, monitors progress towards achieving the goals of the global FP2020 initiative, adding an additional 120 million modern method users between 2012 and 2020 in the world's 69 poorest countries. Track20 works directly with governments in participating FP2020 countries to collect, analyze and use data to monitor progress annually in family planning and to actively use data to improve family planning strategies and plans.

Track20 works with governments to transform current practices that rely heavily on large national household surveys conducted every five years or so, to a system in which all available data, including data collected by governments are used to produce annual estimates on a range of key family planning indicators. This approach makes greater use of service statistics and other data collected through the public and private sector, taking into account their limitations, and works with governments to install an annual process that reviews the data and issues official estimates.

Track20 activities and efforts are focused on countries that chose to make a commitment to the FP2020 global initiative, referred to as Track20 Focus Countries. The remaining FP2020 countries, referred to as Additional Track20 Countries, will also receive some technical support, though to a lesser degree.

Track20 Project Overview (English) Track20 Project Overview (French)

Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) is a global partnership that supports the right of women and girls to decide, freely, and for themselves, whether, when, and how many children they want to have. FP2020 works with governments, civil society, multi-lateral organizations, donors, the private sector, and the research and development community to enable 120 million more women and girls to use contraceptives by 2020. FP2020 is an outcome of the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning where more than 20 governments made commitments to address the policy, financing, delivery and socio-cultural barriers to women accessing contraceptive information, services and supplies. Donors also pledged an additional US$2.6 billion in funding.

Led by an 18-member Reference Group, operated daily by a Secretariat, and hosted by the United Nations Foundation, FP2020 is based on the principle that all women, no matter where they live should have access to lifesaving contraceptives.

FP2020 is in support of the UN Secretary-General's global effort for women and children's health, Every Woman Every Child. For more information visit

View the 2012-2013 annual report View the 2013-2014 annual report