FP HMIS Expansion

A key area of focus for Track20 is expanding the use of country-collected service statistics - this includes efforts to improve the quality of service statistics and support and advance the strategic use of data to monitor progress and make decisions. A sustainable way to incorporate more regular data quality review and analysis in programs' routine work is to build these functions directly into a country's health management information system, which in many countries is DHIS2.

The 2-page brief "Track20's Evolving Influence on FP HMIS" succinctly describes the evolution of Track20's HMIS-related work leading up to its current efforts to push family planning into the forefront of the emerging data ecosystem expansion.

Track20's work to elevate country-owned routine data has been expansive from the start, with the project working at both the global and country levels to promote service statistics as a critical monitoring input and strengthen HMIS systems. Over the course of the project, Track20's efforts and influence in the HMIS space have continued to expand. Some highlights include:

Track20's Family Planning DHIS2 Module includes high-level data displays of priority indicators for decision-makers, detailed analysis of programmatic indicators for program and M&E staff, and tools for reviewing data quality, developing additional analysis, and generating the EMU indicator for monthly monitoring - all within the government system. Countries have reported that the feature to create tailored automated reports that are easily shared and available throughout the system has resulted in significant efficiencies, freeing up M&E Officers to conduct additional data review and analysis. This DHIS2 module is now active in the HMIS systems of Afghanistan, Cote D'Ivoire, DR Congo, India, Kenya, Malawi, Nepal, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Togo, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.

FP DataPro DHIS2 App: Track20 took the learnings from the development and implementation of the FP Module and created the first family planning focused DHIS2 application available in the DHIS2 App Hub, FP DataPro. Now all DHIS2 users can easily download the same automated environment into their DHIS2 systems that had previously been implemented on a country-by-country basis as the DHIS2 FP Module. Further, Track20 has expanded the new DHIS2 application to include a Maternal and Newborn Health (MNH) module in addition to FP. The same high-level summaries, informative graphics and maps and validated data quality review process are available for both health areas. The FP module also includes automated monthly and annual EMU calculation. Learn more about this new DHIS2 application in the brief FP DataPro: Standardize, Maximize, Customize.

This DHIS2 module is now active in the HMIS systems of Afghanistan, Cote D'Ivoire, DR Congo, India, Kenya, Malawi, Nepal, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Togo, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. Some of these countries have upgraded from the FP Module to the expanded FP DataPro DHIS2 App