Track20 is actively engaged in shaping the global landscape of data use in family planning, developing methodology for monitoring family planning programming and providing strategic analysis.

Advancing FP Measurement
Contributing to the Family Planning Measurement Agenda

Track20, through its support of FP2020 and participation on its Performance, Monitoring, and Evidence Working Group, is engaged in a variety of efforts to improve the global family planning measurement agenda.

  • Developing new sources of data on Family Planning through the NCIFP
  • Encouraging new ways of engaging with existing data through the development of new indicators: Method Information Index
  • Supporting key decisions to harmonize indicators within the family planning community
Informing Global Discussions on Family Planning

Track20 serves as a resource to the global family planning community, providing data and analysis for a wide range of stakeholders on progress and opportunities in family planning.

  • Provides bi-annual data updates to the FP2020 Reference Group
  • Supports the Reference Groups Core Conveners (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, UNFPA, USAID, and DFID) by providing innovative analysis on FP2020 countries and by responding to specific analysis requests.

In addition, Track20 provides technical support through participation in the PPFP Steering Committee, High Impact Practices (HIP) TAG, the PME Working Group, the Metrics Working Group, and other forums.

Track20 supports annual monitoring of the Ouagadougou Partnership, including assessing progress toward their independent goal for additional users. We also provide data analysis and interpretation for their annual meeting as well as for their biannual donor meetings.