Track20 is built around using all available data to better inform monitoring and planning. A key focus of this work is to make greater use of service statistics- this includes working to improve the quality of service statistics and to improve how the data is used to monitor progress.

Leveraging Global Good Practices
2018 Global Consultation on Family Planning Service Statistics

One of the mandates of the Track20 project was to explore how better use can be made of service statistics for annual family planning program tracking, develop tools to facilitate this, and build capacity in FP2020 countries to improve program planning and monitoring based upon existing data. However, Track20 is only of a number of international and national organizations working in the area of improving HMIS systems and making better use of the data produced by such systems. Accordingly, Track20 organized a Global Consultation on Family Planning Service Statistics, the purpose of which was to bring together many of these key organizations so that the larger community can have a better understanding of the roles, priorities, activities, accomplishments and perspectives of the key players in the field so that progress can be accelerated and sustained in the future.

The consultation had the following objectives:

  • Document the current state of family planning (FP) service statistics and progress made with regard to the availability, quality and use of data,
  • Update the larger community on relevant research and innovative approaches, processes and technologies,
  • Reach consensus on global short-list of essential SS-based indicators (with standard definitions and metrics),
  • Reach consensus on priorities going forward and good/best practices for achieving success based upon organizational understanding of key barriers to progress and facilitating factors, and
  • Explore possibilities for more systematic and productive collaboration.
View the Summary Report from Global Consultation on Family Planning Service Statistics - February 2018
Partner Presentations from the Global Consultation on Family Planning Service Statistics