Another unique feature in FPET is the ability to use service statistics, which in many cases will be the only current data available between surveys. To include service statistics in your FPET run, you must use the SS to EMU tool to transform several types of generally available service statistics data (family planning commodities distributed, family planning visits, or family planning users) into a single value, Estimated Modern Use (EMU), that can be entered into FPET to inform estimates of mCPR. As an input into FPET, the EMU can increase the confidence of annual estimates of mCPR, unmet need and demand satisfied by modern methods and provide early indications of changes in trends in family planning use.
While the EMU is meant to approximate the volume of contraceptive users, it is not a measure of prevalence. Instead, it is a complementary indicator that can help countries track changes in contraceptive use between surveys, and be used as a cross-country, international FP indicator.
Note that to include service statistics in FPET, they must meet certain criteria.
Note that an EMU value generated from service statistics is not a required input for a national FPET run. If you do not intend to incorporate service statistics into your FPET run you do not need to use the SS to EMU Tool. To include service statistics in either a national or sub-national FPET run as an EMU value, the service statistics must meet certain quality criteria.
Even if you do not intend to use the EMU as an FPET input, users will benefit from the process of working through the SS to EMU Tool as it provides a structured and comprehensive review of your service statistics and can highlight areas for improvement. Besides acting as an input into FPET, the EMU value itself can be used to track population-level changes in contraceptive use at regional, national, and cross-national levels.
The SS to EMU tool requires significant data entry and review. Be sure to work through the steps in order, without skipping ahead, and follow on-screen prompts.
The various Training Materials below will provide more information about the SS to EMU Tool and the EMU as an indicator. The EMU Overview brief and Introduction to SS to EMU Tool presentation will provide more background on the tool and how it can be used. You will also find the Excel-based tool itself and an exercise in which you will compare a basic FPET run with one that includes service statistics, as well as a video to walk you through interpreting the tool's outputs. For more detailed guidance on important aspects of the tool process, refer to the Process Guide and the Quick Question Guide. Finally, the Service Statistics Review presentation provides an in-depth look at service statistics, where they come from and how they help us monitor programs.