Estimated Modern Use (EMU)

Training Module

Leveraging EMU Metric & Outputs

The EMU metric and tools outputs can be used in several ways to measure program and data improvement over time.

Evaluating how survey data track with EMU will help you investigate:

  • if and where service statistics data could improve;
  • if surveys are not tracking certain methods precisely;
  • or if a country should investigate further into surveys and SS in certain regions.

EMU can also inform programming when used to analyze trends in family planning use or trends in a particular method.

EMU can also be used as an input into Track20’s Family Planning Estimation Tool (FPET). FPET is a model designed to use all available data to develop annual estimates of mCPR, unmet need, and demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods beyond the date of the last survey and into the future. If your last survey was more than year ago, you can add in the EMU metric as an input in your FPET run to inform the trend (or growth rate) for several family planning indicators such as mCPR, demand satisfied, and unmet need. Adding in EMU estimates allows countries to use routine data they already collect to inform the trends with more timely estimates.

Learn more about ways you can use EMU and the outputs from the SS to EMU Tool in the presentation below.